Wearing A Mask & How It Relates to Sexual Relationships
American are fighting three types of war amid of Coronavirus Pandemic. These wars are as follows: Wearing a mask, not wearing a mask, and the Social Injustices Unrest of Black Americans at the hands of Law Enforcement. It is important to note that we are just examining wearing a mask, not wearing a mask, and the relation to sexual relationships. If we stand still and listen and watch we can see that Americans are fighting against each other literally and figuratively while corona is attacking our fellow Americans, the corona is attacking Black Americans disproportionately. Not wearing a mask has become a hot button debate in American society. So much so companies are mandating that their employees and customers wear their mask while in the store due to the spike of Corona cases. Americans are fighting against this important mandate as we speak.
The two sides wars arguments differ from each other. The refusal to not wear a mask is due to our government is forcing us as Americas to wear a mask, eliminating our rights, not living in fear, continue to live life as if Coronavirus is gone just like racism, the presumption of weaknesses of wearing a mask, selfish, and the Coronavirus is “hoax”. While those who are wearing a mask believe, Coronavirus is not a “hoax”, wearing a face mask is to protect the most vulnerable from themselves, being selfless human beings, precaution not fear, and to protect ourselves from others six feet apart throughout these unprecedented times specifically in America.
According to the Center for Disease (CDC) and others that are well known in their filed especially Dr. Fauci, an American physician who has stated that social distancing, wearing masks, washing hands, staying 6 feet apart from each can slow the spread of the virus. How does wearing a mask relates to sexual relationships? I thought you never asked. Before we enter any type of relationship whether it be casual, friends with benefits, committed we must protect our sexual health. How do we do that? The best way to protect our sexual health that is one hundred percent guarantee is to remain sexual abstinence till marriage, or until you find the right person to explore sexual intimacy. With an honest healthy conversion about each other health history. Furthermore, not wearing a facemask is like not wearing a condom and not using birth control and expecting to not get infected and pregnant. We know not wearing a mask and not social distancing leads to death the of the most vulnerable and leads others to sickness. Practicing unprotected sex leads to sexually transmitted diseases, unintended pregnancy, and not making sure that the man who impregnates a woman to take the call of fatherhood. An unintended pregnancy results in a mother exercising her right for an abortion instead of taking the call of parenting and taking accountability for the consequence of their decision.
“Practicing social distancing, washing your hands, wearing face masks for coronavirus is like wearing a condom, and taking birth control for sexual intercourse while practicing safe sex. Most importantly, examine each other test results for sexually transmitted disease status.”
-@HaitianMotivation10 #HaitianMotivation10
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